Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 2 - And it was a good one

So, it's day 2 of my blog and I'm proud that I'm even making another entry! I still don't plan to give up my written journal - it's a crutch :) Had a pretty good day alone. All was well, went to church (earlier service than usual, yay me!), was starving so decided to go down to Little 5 and have brunch (alone) and ended up damaging B :( scraped the rear passenger side while trying to park UGH! Posted about it on FB and one of my friends made an interesting comment. Something along the lines of, you went to church, received a good word, this could be the devil trying to deter you from the word OR it could be a sign of greater things to come for you. Interesting, because the word at church today really did hit home for me. He spoke of living life in 24 hour increments, not worrying, and leaning on God for everything. It was with that guidance I looked at my injured B and thought 'Shit! Oh well, we can get it fixed' and moved on. I was proud of myself! I didn't cry, I didn't instantly call my dadda (although I called him about 10 mins later lol), and I even tried to fix it myself. Not bad for me at all!

So, I wrote about myself during today's and yesterday's post and it's time to introduce the other characters in this crazy journey. Names have been changed to protect the (not so) innocent lol :)

C Green - current interest; went out of town this past weekend and I was determined to refrain from calling him. It was hard, but I made it through. He clearly made it through as well lol he didn't text or call (except for letting me know he made it safely on Friday). I guess people need a chance to miss each other, this weekend was a true testament to that. When he landed, on his way walking to his car, lo and behold, he called me :) It felt good and I felt missed and important. I missed him....

The Friend - exactly that; I really enjoy hanging out with him and getting to know him AS A FRIEND. Very important to have one of these. Some people may not understand it or may be envious, but I don't care. They shouldn't be worried about him anyway...

B DAWG - a mess; lol dunno what to say; random FB chats and texts about 'what I'm wearing', requests to come stay at my house (all via text/FB chats mind you), etc. I'm not feeling it. Had to cancel that thought tonight as well...the tomfoolery continues

I think that's it for tonight.

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